Asthma can be a scary disease as not getting air is very stressful, especially for a parent. My son had asthma so I am very familiar with the disease, but I am choosing to talk about a client this time. Allie was 8 when she first came to see me in the Fall of 2011. Healing disease is a process and doing it alternatively usually involves a life style change. This was no different, I’d say it took on and off a year with fewer incidences in between. Allie ate her veggies but with more home cooked organic meals her general health improved. She limited dairy (Raw unprocessed is best.) and moved toward varying her grains avoiding wheat as much as possible. This is a general recommendation to stay healthy!
To begin with, we removed her sensitivities especially magnesium. Magnesium is key to asthma because it relaxes the bronchial tubes and colon. We also eliminated parasites, yeast and other stresses that tend to hide out in the weakest organs, like the lungs for Allie! This process is done fairly quickly, within 2-3 visits. I refer to this process as the “clean up process.” With each visit, we gained trust and helped her to understand her body energetically. Along with working her energy systems, I taught her a Daily Energy Routine and gave her and her mom specific tools to use to strengthen her lungs and immune system. I also supported her with homemade advanced isotonic remedies designed from her DNA. The test for Allie was during Nutcracker season, as every year she would get an asthma attack. So we worked on the emotional aspect using Eden energy techniques and EFT. I feel it is very Important to empower my clients with as many tools as possible so that they will know what to do in a panic situation.
Needless to say, Allie did get an asthma attack during the 2011 Nutcracker season. It was at this point we realized we needed to work through an emotional component regarding the stress of the season. She was asthma free this last Nutcracker season and has not had an asthma attack in over a year. As with my son, there may be an occasional time when breathing is difficult ( usually because of an emotional reason ), but the tools are there to nip it! Allie continues to amaze me with her talents and intuition and all she has learned about how to take care of herself!